What's On

Diary -   Church is open for services at 10.30am. We are also continuing to zoom the services from church.  If you would like to join us via Zoom, please contact us via the link below.

If attending church, please wear a mask if you are more comfortable doing so.  

Further details of our services are on our Worship page.

We are looking for information of those from our church who were active in both World Wars. If you have any information, you are willing to share, then again please let us know.
























 Sunday 8th


 Family Worship led by Hazel Brown



 Thursday 12th


 Prayer Group Meeting



 Sunday 15th


 Family Worship led by Doris Rimmer



 Tuesday 17th


 Afternoon Guild resumes - History of Aviation on the Wirral (1909-1939) by Colin Schroeder



 Wednesday 18th


 Midweek Communion led by Dirk Dettlaff



 Sunday 22nd


 Family Worship led by Rev. Mark Bates



 Sunday 29th


 Family Worship - Harvest Festival/Parade Service led by Rev. Jane Mortimer


















 Tuesday 1st


 Bible Discussion Group



 Sunday 6th


 Family Worship and celebration of Holy Communion led by Rev. Mark Bates



 Tuesday 8th


 Film Afternoons resume - these are open to everyone



 Thursday 10th


 Prayer Group Meeting



 Sunday 13th


 Family Worship led by Rob Watson



 Tuesday 15th


 Afternoon Guild - First Aid Talk by The Red Cross 



 Wednesday 16th


 Midweek Communion led by David Hornby



 Sunday 20th


 Family Worship including Church Meeting led by Rev. Mark Bates



 Sunday 27th


 Family Worship led by Di Jones


















 Sunday 3rd


 Family Worship and celebration of Holy Communion led by Rev. Mark Bates



 Tuesday 5th


 Bible Discussion Group



 Sunday 10th


 Remembrance Day Family Worship led by Rev. Mark Bates



 Tuesday 12th


 Film Afternoon



 Thursday 14th


 Prayer Group Meeting



** FILM AFTERNOONS - will begin again on 8th October with an earlier start time of 2.00pm.

​Please see details on our Welcome page or click here 

We hope and pray that you all stay safe and well and look forward to welcoming you to St Andrew's URC Meols.